Cultural Resource Services

Gallaway Enterprises is pleased to introduce our new team Archaeologist, Cate Davis and the addition of offering in-house cultural resource services. Ms. Davis has extensive experience with GIS and the collection of field data in order to create professional quality graphics and reports. Ms. Davis graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology from University of Central Florida and obtained a Master of Arts degree in Anthropology from California State University, Chico. Ms. Davis meets the qualifications established by the Secretary of Interiors’ Professional Qualifications Standards and satisfies mandates associated with compliance under Section 106 of the National Preservation Act. Gallaway Enterprises is pleased to provide both public and private clients across northern California with the following cultural resource services:

  • On-site Monitoring
  • Property Surveys
  • Cultural Inventory Reports such as:
    • Archaeological Survey Reports/Historic Property Survey Reports
    • Cultural Reports in support of CEQA review
    • Section 106 National Historic Preservation Act Reports
  • Site recording, site updates
  • Native American outreach
  • Mapping of resources